News from Moria 2. 03-11-2020


The 8th of September Moria, the concentration camp for migrants in Lesbos, got burnt. A new camp was built by UNHCR with the support of the Greek state and army. According to our friends who live in the new camp, the situation in the new camp is worst than in the old Moria camp. Floods, fires, violent securitisation and surveillance, restrictions of mobility inside and outside of the camp have become a normality in the so-called Moria 2. A new lockdown has been imposed since the 1st of November leading to more restrictions of circulation outside the camp and to the deterioration of the living conditions.   


Story 1.

Hi guys, I hope be good all guys. I am from Afghanistan, I am living in (new) Moria camp. So I want to discuss about the situation of the new camp. So we have some problems like the food. The food that is coming here is not good. Also we are waiting wait one, two hours in the food line to take the food.  Also taking the shower. The shower does not exist here. Exist, but the situation to take a shower here is not good. 

Also since some days ago we can not go out because of the COVID-19. We have all sort of problems like that. 

Our situation inside of the camp is not good. Our results are not coming. We gave interview but the result is not coming since 4 months ago. The situation of the bathroom is very bad in here. About the doctors also, if a man become sick, if it is an emergency, it becomes a great problem”

Story 2

“My friend wants to speak about the situation inside of the camp for the radio”. 

“Hello guys!. First of all I want to ask you how are you. I am doing very well. We are living in the new camp. we have a lot of problems. Any kind of problems. About the water supply. About the places for sleeping. About everything. Right now the situation here is not good.  

Before three days ago there was a fire and it burnt two tents. The police is calling to the refugees and saying that they are going to lockdown the camp and not letting anyone going outside of the camp. So everyone has a problem. It We have no time for going to the doctor. If we go to the food line we have to wait two, three hours. 

We have no water supplies. There are no water supplies. If we want to take a shower we have to take shower in the sea. So we have a lot of problems”.