Hunger strike in Amygdaleza, 21/8

Today, 21/8, detainees in Amygdaleza refused to eat, demanding to be released. The conditions in Amygdaleza are inhuman, and contact with the outside world is minimal because of COVID measures.


Hello. Today we did a hunger strike, we didn’t take food. For freedom. They’re not releasing people. I don’t know, now we didn’t take food here in Amygdaleza, the people with Algerian nationality didn’t take food and want to understand why we’re not getting out, why, only this… these people, some of whom have asked for deportation and have been waiting for eight, nine months. This is a prison for us, it’s not a camp, it’s not a detention centre for papers. Now it’s become like a prison, a prison without a trial.

News from Amigdaleza, August 2020

Good evening. I hope you’re well and all is well. Now we don’t know and I can’t talk about the news from outside, we have no connection with the outside, but in here there’s some movement, they’ve taken people to the islands, they’ve brought new people, the place we’re in has become a lot more crowded. There’s already a lot of stupid things, a few days ago a guy was sick and they weren’t taking him to hospital and people gathered who wanted to break the door; then the police took the guy to hospital, I mean only with trouble and problems did they do their job. It’s true that we’re living in the shit, in a lot of –if this is the correct word– a lot of shit. In the time of the coronavirus, we are living something else in here. I hope you’re well and all is well.

Medical care is shit. It’s completely horrible. I can see it because I have a problem, and I see what they’re doing there. I think and I believe that the biggest assholes in here are the doctors who are here. Even more so than the police. Yes, there’s a serious problem with doctors. They’re very big assholes. And yes, they have brought women in here, too, and to guard the women they have brought a woman cop, or two.

News from Amygdaleza detention centre, June 2020

The detention centre of Amygdaleza was built in 2012. It’s used as a prison for people without papers before their deportation, but also as a place to keep unaccompanied minors until proper housing is found for them. The people inside –many more than the structure was built for– are imprisoned indefinitely in horrible conditions that destroy their health. Recently, under cover of the lockdown, the authorities seized people from Amygdaleza and moved them to Turkey secretly and with a lot of violence.

Το κέντρο κράτησης της Αμυγδαλέζας χτίστηκε το 2012. Χρησιμεύει ως φυλακή για άτομα χωρίς χαρτιά πριν την απέλασή τους, αλλά και σαν μέρος διαμονής ασυνόδευτων ανήλικων μέχρι να τους βρεθεί κατάλληλη στέγαση. Τα άτομα εκεί μέσα–πολύ περισσότερος απ’ τη χωρητικότητα της δομής–είναι φυλακισμένα επ’ αόριστο, σε άθλιες συνθήκες που τους καταστρέφουν την υγεία. Πρόσφατα, με την κάλυψη των μέτρων περιορισμού, οι αρχές έπαιρναν έγκλειστα άτομα από την Αμυγδαλέζα και τα προωθούσαν στην Τουρκία, κρυφά και πολύ βίαια.

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